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I believe in philanthropy. And you?

Giving back is important. If you are in a healthy place and are financially secure, then I want to motivate you to invest in two kinds of charities. The first is an everyday charity and the second is a focused charity – and I would like to invite all of us to be a part of this.

Pledge for the everyday charity

Be kind to one another. Try to spread as much love and joy as you can. If you must criticize, always be uplifting and constructive. Don’t take the person next to you for granted. Walk the extra mile if someone needs help. When you’re online, be aware that the people reading your messages are actual humans with a tender heart.

Everybody can pledge for the everyday charity. You don’t need any money or resources for this. You only need to listen to your heart and be as real as you can.

Pledge for the focused charity

For most of us, it’s not too difficult to donate a couple of bucks to an organization that tries to spread the good in our world. And if many of us do this, it can have a huge impact. Do you already have a charitable, philanthropic, missionary or social organization in mind which you would like to support? Then go ahead and do that – no time is better than now, because let’s be honest: we are quick to forget our good resolutions.

In case you don’t have an organization in mind, then allow me to suggest supporting kitepride. This is a charity helping people escape modern-day slavery and providing jobs to disadvantaged women and men by collecting used-up kites. The materials are then processed to create bags for further use.

If you want to buy their stylish bags or make a donation, click here to get to their homepage.

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